miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

The animal's attractions

In our society we enjoy seeing animals in attractions, we pay to see animals doing or preforming something, just for our entretainment. For example, we can see animals usually in zoos or tematic packs. And the animals we see are animals that are not in their natural space/enviroment, but they are in a reduce space living in conditions that are not like their natural ones. They can not run the way they should do it or eat the same proportion and nutrition they should have, so the conditions make the animals less natural.
And we enjoy seeing the animals in other part that is not their enviroment, so we contribute to make more animals be out of their natural enviroment and far of their specie. So when you pay to go to the zoo or to a park who has animals that should not be there, you are contributing with the culture of use the animals to entretain humans.
So the next time you want to entretain your self, think in what you are doing and what are you contributing with, so the animals can have the same oportunity of be entretained in the place they belong. Because nobody want to live in a close space for the rest of their lifes, watching how other specie just enjoy seeing them there and do not care about their natural life.

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