viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017

The view of pain in our society

Right now, if we see the new book's stories and movies, we can see that they are exploting the topic of the human pain, and how the problem of the humanity is the pain we feel, and the solution for this is to do a perfect society where there is a way or a compound that make people to don't feel any kind of pain, so everybody can be and feel only happy.  In this cases there is something wrong with the fact of not feeling pain, like they can decide by their self and that they can feel anything real. Well, this usually happend because the pain that we feel and our emotion are a by our senses and perception of the world with the help of our nervous system. So when someone what to block pain, they also block other parts like our feelings.
But, what exactly is pain? Well, it is a reaction of our body when something is attempting to your body safeness. So it works like an alert to us, to now that something could hurt us, and we feel it because of our special nerves called nociceptors (that start the electric impulse in the nervous system), that emit neurotransmitters (substance P, that is the one that trasmits pain) that travel through our nervous until reach the brain and produce pain in the specific area, where the impulse starts. And basically, that is how physical pain works. And the emotional pain is more psycological.
It is part of our nature and help us to survive, don't get hurt and prevent a worst damage in our body, to our self.
So pain, is not a thing that make us imperfect humans, like the media is trying to express, and because this works are well acepted by a lot of people, reflected on the fact that some books are best seller or that some series are very watched. The good thing, is that at the end of some of these stories, someone goes against of this model of "perfect society", and get back the pain that was stole from them. Like in the movie "The giver" and in the serie (based in a book) called "The 100".
Concluding, I thing that the perfect society should not be build by the miss of our natural perception that is pain, because we survive because of it, and it help us in many ways. So I thing that in our actually society and collective mind, we should start to accept pain as a normal thing and not like a bad thing.

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