viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017

The facial expressions

If we talk about facial expressions, usually you can hear that they are almost universal, that if you go to another country you will smile and the people who live there will know that the expression you make was because you are happy or you like something. But if you hear these facts, in this year, maybe you have heard it from a person who is not actualized in the information. 
Why do I say this? Because now, there is evidence about the facial expressions, like the smile that is the product of happiness, are not universal. We have believed that our expressions and the emotions that give birth that expression where caused by a biological fact, but this is also against of the new approach that have been developed in the actuality.
This new approach argues that there is not such a thing like the universal expressions and that these expressions are determined by the social and cultural context. The proofs of this are in the Trobriand Islands; here the habitants have been tested to know if their perception of the most common facial expressions (joy, sadness, anger, fear and disgust) matches with the perception of other people (the majority).
The experiment to proof this is about asking a group of kids and teens to tell the emotion that one of the photographs seems to be like (one per each common emotion and expression: joy, sadness, anger, fear and disgust; and a face without expression). And the results show that the 58% of the people matches the smile with joy, the 46% matches “correctly” (like the way the rest of the world will do it) sadness, 31% fear, 25% disgust and 7% anger. So the results show discordance between the matches of these Islands with the results of the rest of the world, concluding that the culture is the thing that make us thing and recognize thing as we do in this moment. 

Source: S/n, (2016), Estudio demuestra que el significado de la sonrisa no es universal, Extracted from: http://www.carasycaretas.

The view of pain in our society

Right now, if we see the new book's stories and movies, we can see that they are exploting the topic of the human pain, and how the problem of the humanity is the pain we feel, and the solution for this is to do a perfect society where there is a way or a compound that make people to don't feel any kind of pain, so everybody can be and feel only happy.  In this cases there is something wrong with the fact of not feeling pain, like they can decide by their self and that they can feel anything real. Well, this usually happend because the pain that we feel and our emotion are a by our senses and perception of the world with the help of our nervous system. So when someone what to block pain, they also block other parts like our feelings.
But, what exactly is pain? Well, it is a reaction of our body when something is attempting to your body safeness. So it works like an alert to us, to now that something could hurt us, and we feel it because of our special nerves called nociceptors (that start the electric impulse in the nervous system), that emit neurotransmitters (substance P, that is the one that trasmits pain) that travel through our nervous until reach the brain and produce pain in the specific area, where the impulse starts. And basically, that is how physical pain works. And the emotional pain is more psycological.
It is part of our nature and help us to survive, don't get hurt and prevent a worst damage in our body, to our self.
So pain, is not a thing that make us imperfect humans, like the media is trying to express, and because this works are well acepted by a lot of people, reflected on the fact that some books are best seller or that some series are very watched. The good thing, is that at the end of some of these stories, someone goes against of this model of "perfect society", and get back the pain that was stole from them. Like in the movie "The giver" and in the serie (based in a book) called "The 100".
Concluding, I thing that the perfect society should not be build by the miss of our natural perception that is pain, because we survive because of it, and it help us in many ways. So I thing that in our actually society and collective mind, we should start to accept pain as a normal thing and not like a bad thing.

2Pac in Rap

The Hip-Hop is a genre that has been in the music world for a long time, all of we have heard or know at least one Hip-Hop song but do we know who people are the most big exponents of this music genre.

Well this genre has a lot of big artist like Eminem, 50Cent, Snoop Dogg and others, but this time I am going to talk about one of the most famous and iconic artist, 2Pac Shakur, this man is considered by many people like the father Hip-Hop with N.O.T.O.R.I.O.U.S Big.

Tupac Amaru Shakur or 2 Pac was born in Harlem, New York, USA in 1971. His first album was 2pacalypse, this album wasn't an exit in sells like his future albums, but it was the album that will start his prolific carrer.

Like it was already said 2Pac was one of the biggest artists in the Hip-Hop history, he and he starred one of the most famous conflicts in rap history. This conflict was with the notorious big,  it started when 2Pac was one of the victims of a crime where he was shoot, and notorious big dedicate him the song WHO SHOOT YA. This conflict started the rivalry of the west coast (2Pac) and the east coast (N.O.T.O.R.I.O.U.S Big), and gave us one of the most famous songs that 2Pac has made that is HIT EM UP.

Unfortunately 2Pac was murdered in 1996 but he left us a lot of good songs that unlike other songs talk about real issues of the society

I want to tell you a little of one of my best experiences that I have had all my life. I want to start saying that the ocean for me represents everything for me Seen i was small and i want to set irt will be until a fu something burn to be part of it for this trip to the province of Manabi With my dear father Oscar in order to go fishing in one of the largest coral reefs in Ecuador, for this we stayed in La Ciudadela de Jama we hired a boat we left at 5am to paradise beach near the respective place for that we bought Like bait shrimp raised alive they spent hours and we did not fish anything we were almost 2 hours but suddenly to my pope I spike a sword fish baby however it was very strong we could not take it out of the water we had to catch the boat and love it until we slept it we were almost an hour Sailing until we stopped drag  we arrived almost to the beach of canoe where finally we could raise the fish to the boat the fish had a weight of 35 pounds with this I mean that Manabi Is full of wildlife recommends to be part of tourism there is much to know.

By Martin Benalcazar